DNA from four ancient skeletons and comparing it with thousands of
genetic samples from living humans, a group of Scandinavian scientists reported that agriculture initially spread through
Europe because farmers expanded their territory northward, not because the more primitive foragers already living there adopted it on their own.
The genetic profiles of three Neolithic hunter-gatherers and one farmer who lived in the same region of modern-day
Sweden about 5,000 years ago were quite different — a fact that could help resolve a decades-old battle among archaeologists over the origins of European agriculture, said study leader Mattias Jakobsson, a population geneticist at Uppsala University in Sweden.
The hunter-gatherers, from the island of Gotland, bore a distinct genetic resemblance to people alive today in Europe's extreme north, said Jakobsson, who reported his findings in Friday's edition of the journal Science. The farmer, excavated from a large stone burial structure in the mainland parish of Gokhem, about 250 miles away, had DNA more like that of modern people in southern Europe.
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